I am pleased to announce the 1985 Southern Cross 35, PRUDENCE, is now on the market as of February 17, 2010.
She was built by CE Ryder in Rhode Island. You can see my story about her in previous blog posts. Also, her previous owners' blog is still up and is one of the best detailed accounts of how a Southern Cross 35 sails and what they are capable of. See: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/ashiya/?show=fulltoc
Now, I will say it again. DO NOT WAIT TO CALL ABOUT THIS BOAT! The last time she was offered for sale, she was on the market one week and never made it to Yacht World. I have a great deal of information about PRUDENCE and I have sold her 3 times so far. All of her owners are fantastic people and are more than willing to share their knowledge about the boat. You may say she has her own cult following! This boat has been all over the Caribbean and Atlantic and is probably the best known Southern Cross 35 in the world.
CALL or email me RIGHT NOW! 484-576-0804 or Bill@crusaderyachts.com